
    Apr 18, 2024 |

    Missions Advocates

    Advancing global outreach by mobilizing resources for missions
    Missions Advocates is a team that seeks to help our congregation live out its call to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the nations. We work to cultivate a heart of love for people of other cultures and a deeper awareness of God's work in the world. We oversee the sending and care of those in our congregation who have sensed a call to overseas ministry.

    Missions has been woven into the fabric of ACTS since the congregation's beginning. Originally, the name ACTS was an acronym, and the 'S' stood for "sending." Over the years, members of the congregation have served short and long term in places such as Eritrea, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Ireland, Germany, Belize, the Fiji Islands, Honduras, Cambodia, Thailand, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. As individuals and families have ministered in these diverse places, the congregation has supported and stayed connected with them, and they often return with testimonies that encourage and challenge us as we hear of God's work in the world.

    What is an MST (missionary support team)?
    The MST ministers to the missionary, vitally linking the missionary with the home congregation(s), sending agency, and his or her network of family, friends, and contacts. An MST is usually a group of six to eight people with a vital interest in missions and in the missionary candidate. MSTs work with missionaries prior to their departure, during their outreach, and upon their return. (taken from Missionary Support Teams brochure, Eastern Mennonite Missions)
    Some of our workers who are serving in sensitive locations refer to their support teams by other names.

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