Opportunities to Serve
Jan 23, 2025 |
Fellowship meal Coordinator: 
Responsibilities for fellowship meal coordinator:
- Find 4 others to help you.
- Set up tables & chairs.
- Receive the food as persons bring it, taking note of any instructions.
- Set the food items out on the table.
- Remove empty containers from food line.
- Clean up, take down all but about 5 tables and chairs, vacuum, take trash to dumpster.
Décor Specialist: for special occasions and celebrations such as Easter and Christmas.
Greeter: Greet people, especially new faces. Hand out bulletins.
Door Greeter: Hold the front door open and greet people as they enter.
Head Usher: Lead the usher teams
after Sunday service clean up teams
mowing and gardening, maintenance and construction volunteers
Contact Allen Fisher for more info!
Musicians- violin, drums, keys, guitar, bass, & any other instruments!
Sound Tech- oversees sound, mics, & live stream
Projection - oversees song projection, announcement PowerPoints, guest speaker PowerPoint presentations & sermon recordings
Contact Ben Kremer at:
kremerben7@gmail.com if you're interested in serving on the team!
Teachers for nursery through 5th grade.
Serve approximately 8-10x per year. Classes start after our corporate worship time and last about 1 hour. Clearances needed (Contact Beth Neupauer for help with clearances).
*If you have any interest in these areas and need more information contact the church office at 717-299-5119*